Abdel Halim Hafez - Never Again
Never again, never again will I love you Just meet me one more time It'll be the last time And after that never again | |
Never again will I stop talking to you only to make good with you again
The distance has always been good for me (literally, "watered me" or "quenced me")
While being with you tires me out
And if your image appeared to me in my sleep and woke me up
I'd make good with you again but after that never again
Never again will I believe anything you say
No matter what you ask I will not even believe your greetings
Just promise me you will never cry in front of me
It's best that I lie to my soul and say just this once and then never again
Oh, my heart is so confused!
Oh, how I've cried!
Whenever I say I'll forget you, your fire makes me miss you and wakes me up
And then I run around asking about you before you even come to me
I'll laugh once, cry once and then never again